Category Archives: carnivores

pasta mit linsen und gebackenem kuerbis

Die Kombination von Linsen und Kürbis hat es mir echt angetan. Für dieses Rezept standen die Pasta mit Balsamico-Linsen und Knusperschinken nach C.Poletto sowie Pasta e lenticchie all’arancia bei lamiacucina Pate. Sehr fein, besonders mit den Schinkenbröseln.


  • 1 Hokkaido-Kürbis
  • 8 EL Olivenöl
  • 3 Zehen Knoblauch
  • 1 Bund Frühlingszwiebeln
  • 300g Beluga-Linsen
  • 1,5 TL gemahlener Koriander
  • 75 ml Weißwein
  • 750 ml Gemüsebrühe
  • Salz, Pfeffer
  • Balsamico-Essig
  • 400 g Spaghetti
  • 100 g Parmaschinken

Backofen auf 200°C vorheizen. Hokkaido waschen, entkernen und in kleine Stücke schneiden. Auf ein mit Backpapier belegtes und leicht eingeöltes Backblech geben, etwas salzen und pfeffern. Im Ofen backen bis die Kürbisstückchen weich und leicht angebräunt sind (etwa 30-40 Minuten).

Frühlingszwiebeln kleinschneiden, Knoblauch fein würfeln.

5 EL Olivenöl erhitzen, Frühlingszwiebeln und Knoblauch darin andünsten. Linsen und Koriander hinzufügen und lurz mitdünsten. Mit Wein ablöschen. Gemüsebrühe (zunächst nur 500 ml, nach Bedarf den Rest) dazugeben und zugedeckt knapp 30 Minuten köcheln bis die Linsen gar sind. Mit Salz, Pfeffer und Essig abschmecken.

Nudeln bissfest garen.

Das restliche Olivenöl in einer Pfanne erhitzen und den Schinken darin knusprig braten. Herausnehmen, auf Küchenpapier abtropfen lassen und mit den Fingern zerbröseln.

Pasta mit Linsen mischen, ggf. nochmals mit Salz, Pfeffer, Essig nachwürzen. Mit Kürbis anrichten, Schinkenbrösel darüberstreuen.


in unserem haushalt gibt es keinen fernseher, und er wird auch nicht vermisst. auf reisen sieht die sache aber anders aus, da werden etwaige fernsehgeraete gern und durchaus oft frequentiert!

jedenfalls habe ich neulich erstmals ein paar folgen kuechenschlacht geguckt. in der fraglichen woche war ein gewisser prof. pieper aus ulm kandidat, welcher unter anderem das letscho seiner ungarischen frau erwaehnte. an letscho hatte ich schulspeisungshalber eher unschoene erinnerungen – aber die leidenschaft mit der der herr pieper von letscho als dem ultimativen sommergericht sprach fuehrte noch am selben tag zu einem grosseinkauf von spitzpaprika. und das ergebnis war wirklich richtig gut (wenn auch nicht zu 100% dem originalrezept entsprechend) – so gut dass ich es zwei tage spaeter gleich nochmal kochte.


  • 8 Schoten weisser Spitzpaprika
  • 4 grosse Fleischtomaten
  • 4 Zwiebeln
  • 3 EL Butterschmalz
  • 3 Knoblauchzehen
  • 125 ml Weisswein
  • edelsuesser Paprika
  • Salz

zwiebeln längs halbieren und in feine halbringe schneiden und in schmalz langsam anduensten – waehrend dieser zeit habe ich das restliche gemuese geschnitten. paprikaschoten entkernen und in streifen schneiden, tomaten grob wuerfeln, knoblauch kleinhacken.

zwiebeln mit weisswein abloeschen, einige minuten koecheln lassen. paprika und knoblauch zufuegen und bei maessiger hitze 10-15 minuten schmoren. tomaten zufuegen und bei starker hitze im geschlossenen topf weitere 10 minuten garen. schliesslich bei maessiger hitze im offenen topf auf die gewuenschte konsistenz einkochen lassen. mit salz und paprikapulver abschmecken.

mangels fleischwurst haben wir noch ein paar grob geschnittene siedewuerstchen dazugegeben, beilage war reis.

a second take on empanadas

empanadas are great for brunch – in fact i made them for the first time to appear on a brunch buffet. so i am submitting this recipe to zorra’s brunch blog event:

Jubiläums-Blog-Event LVI - Brunch & Giveaway (Einsendeschluss 15. Mai 2010)

the empanadas require a bit of work, but can be prepared well in advance, baked and stored in the freezer. on the day of use they should be thawed for one to two hours, then sprinkled with a bit water and baked at 175° for about 10 minutes. for dipping, i made chimmichurri sauce and tomato sauce (adapted from here).

for this version i used the dough from the original empanadas mendocinas recipe, but the filling was the same as last time i made them.  the dough was very nice, way easier to handle than my first try and with a better texture after baking.



  • 360g flour
  • 110g butter
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 180 – 200 ml warm milk
  • 1/2 tsp salt


  • 500g ground beef
  • 2 large onions, diced
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 2 tbsp paprika
  • 1 tbsp dried oregano
  • 1/2 tbsp ground cumin
  • 1/2 tsp chili flakes
  • 1/2 tsp salt, pepper to taste
  • 1 bunch green onions, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp chopped parsley
  • 10 green olives, quartered
  • 20g raisins, soaked in hot water
  • 3 hard boiled eggs, sliced


  • 1 egg, white and yolk separated

in a large bowl, mix flour and salt. using a pastry cutter, cut the butter into the dough. add egg yolk, then milk in small amounts, knead until the dough comes together. make a flat ball and chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

in a large bowl, mix paprika, oregano, cumin, chili flakes, salt and pepper. add ground beef and knead until well combined. chill in the refrigerator until use.

melt the butter in a large pan and cook onions until tender, about 10 minutes. add meat mixture and cook until the beef is done, stirring frequently. let the mixture cool down a bit, add parsley, raisins, olives and chopped green onions and mix well.

on a lightly floured board roll out the dough into a thin sheet and cut out round shapes. i used a cup of 10cm diameter and got 28 empanadas.

add a spoonful of meat mixture on each disc and a slice of boiled egg. brush the edges of the empanada with egg white (i used my fingers for that), fold the empanada disc and seal. twist and fold the edges for a repulgue, or use a fork to finish sealing.

brush with whisked egg yolk and bake at 200°C for 20 minutes.

note: the filling is a bit to much for the dough – i think 3/4 of it could do as well. but since it is so delicious i keep making the full amount, and then use leftovers e.g. on frozen puff pastry.

empanadas with beef (…but not mendocinas)

i started with the empanadas mendocinas recipe at laylita’s recipes. but i wanted to have raisins in it – which mendocinas do not have, i added parsley to the filling and since i confused the mendocina dough recipe (which contains milk) with the other dough recipe at laylita’s i ended up with something a bit different from the original. but they were really nice – at least those that we tried, the other empanadas are sitting in the fridge waiting for brunch on sunday.

their form was not perfect yet,  but you can follow the evolution of my repulgue in the above picture.  i did not need all the filling for the 28 empanadas i got, but found a great way to use up the leftover meat: i put it on frozen puff pastry, topped it with mozarella cheese and baked it.

pasta with fennel, tomatoes and black forest ham

i don’t like fennel. this is a fact i never questioned, although i could not tell a single occasion where i ever tasted fennel so far (that is, as a vegetable). it must be a late effect from the fennel tea i was forced to drink as a kid. but i also used to hate eggplant – up until i ate parmigiana di melanzane. so why not try to overcome the fear of fennel as well? i started cautiosly by using in a vegetable soup. it was not bad, though i have to admit that i had difficulties telling it apart from other vegetables. but today i entered the next level: fennel as the main ingredient in a (great!!!) pasta dish.


  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 600 g fennel
  • 6 mini tomatoes
  • 3 slices smoked Black Forest ham
  • 50g grated parmesan
  • 2 tbsp toasted pine nuts
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • salt and black pepper, to taste
  • 200 g pasta of your choice

toast pine nuts in a dry pan. set aside. cut ham in small stripes and fry (without additional grease) until it is crisp. set also aside.

wash and prepare the fennel, cut it up into small pieces. keep fennel green for decoration.

saute fennel in olive oil about 20 minutes until it is tender, add some salted water (in which the pasta will be cooked) as needed. quarter the tomatoes, add and cook for a few minutes. add some more salted water – overall it should be about a ladle full. season with lemon juice, sugar, a generous amount of freshly ground black pepper and maybe some more salt.

meanwhile cook the pasta, then pour it over the sauce. mix and let it stand on the hot stovetop for a few minutes – the pasta should soak up some of the sauce. transfer to a large bowl and mix with grated cheese and ham stripes. top with pine nuts and fennel green.

so yes, i think fennel can be added to my list of edible greens.

meat balls with feta cheese filling

one item from our meze table: mix in a bowl 1/2 tsp sea salt, 1/2 tsp black pepper, 1/2 tsp cumin, 1/2 onion, finely diced, 2 tbsp chopped and toasted pine nuts, 2 tbsp chopped parsley, 2 tbsp breadcrumbs, and one egg.  add 250g minced meat and knead well. cut about 150g feta cheese in little dices (1.5-2 cm edge length). form little meat balls around the cubes and fry in olive oil.

stuffed zucchini with tomato sauce

stuffed zucchini

it’s done like this: fry minced meat (plus chopped onions if you like) in a bit olive oil, cook some rice. mix it together, add parsley and feta cheese. season to taste with salt and pepper. optionally you might want to add a tsp. tomato puree. that’s about the filling. wash and prepare the zucchini, removing its core with a tsp. now put the chunky crushed tomatoes in an ovenproof dish, mix it with a bit olive oil, oregano, salt, pepper.  stuff zucchini with the filling, place it on the tomato sauce. bake for about 30 minutes at 175°C, until the zucchini is done.  served with pita bread.

for four medium-sized zucchini we used 250g meat, 50g rice, 2 Tbsp chopped parsley, 200g feta cheese, and a can (450g) crushed tomatoes.