this is an adaption of belgian chocolate cake, of which many recipes are floating around on the net. main differences: used crème fraîche instead of kefir, left out the cocos stuff and made only 2/3 to fit in a 20cm baking pan. here we go:
first some preparations – it’s better to arrange all this stuff beforehand. put 50g cocoa in a bowl, add 100ml hot (not boiling) water. melt the cocoa, let it cool down a bit. melt 75g butter. take two eggs, seperate egg yolk and egg white. sift 200g flour together with 1.5 tsp baking soda.
now beat egg yolks with 150g sugar until creamy. add melted cocoa. add butter. add flour/baking soda. (ha – great that we prepared this in advance!) add 100g crème fraîche. beat the egg whites until stiff and gently fold it into the dough.
now pour the batter into a greased baking pan and bake for about 40 minutes at 175°C.
meanwhile prepare the frosting: chop 75g of your favourite dark chocolate (70% cocoa should be minimum!). heat 50g heavy cream and 1 tsp butter (microwaving is allowed here). pour it over the chocolate and stir until everything is evenly combined. let it chill. once the cake is cool enough cover with frosting. let it chill. sift cocoa powder over the cake before enjoying it.