Category Archives: vegans

mango chutney

the mango chutney was definitive a highlight of our dinner. i never made chutney before (actually i barely ever tasted it), and so i was at first a bit sceptical how it would turn out. a combination between several internet recipes and again jaffrey’s book yielded this:


  • 1 green mango (about 500g)
  • 100-150ml water
  • 185 ml vinegar
  • 180g brown sugar
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1/4 tsp cardamom
  • 4cm ginger
  • 30g chopped raisins
  • half of a fresh red chili and chili pepper flakes (to taste)
  • 1.5 tsp salt

peel the mango, remove the core and cut in small cubes. dice ginger and garlic. cook these three together in water until the mango is tender. add vinegar, sugar, chilis, cardamom, salt and cook until a little thick (this took quite a while – i think more than one hour). if you want to preserve it, pour into sterilized jars while still hot.

and how did we get the lava in the jar?

coconut milk rice with mango

i love rice pudding, but i don’t like stirring all the time to prevent the rice from sticking at the bottom of the pan, as it is often the case when you make the rice pudding with milk. here is a stick-free version:


  • 1 mango
  • 1 tsp runny honey
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • lemon thyme
  • 200g short-grain rice
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 15-20g vanilla sugar (to taste)
  • one can (400ml) coconut milk

peal and cut the mango, marinate it in honey, lemon juice and a little bit of lemon thyme. cook rice and salt in water for 10 minutes.  strain the rice, put it back into the pot. add cinnamon stick, vanilla sugar and coconut milk. cook over low heat for another 10-15 minutes (stirring only occasionally), until the rice reaches your desired consistency/creaminess – i like it if the grain is still a bit firm inside, as in risotto.

we eat this as a quick lunch, or as dessert, it can also add to any brunch buffet. actually, you can eat it at any time of the day. and by the way, can you spot our table decoration?

rosemary focaccia

rosemary focaccia

if i only had known before how easy it is to make great italian bread! after the ciabatta a few weeks ago i tried focaccia today. the recipe was compiled after checking here and and once again at delicious days: dissolve 20g fresh yeast in 250ml lukewarm water, add a knife tip of sugar. mix 275g flour (type 550) with 1tbsp rosemary and 1tsp ground sea salt. add half of the flour-mix and 1tbsp olive oil to the yeast-water-mix and stir for 2 minutes. add the remaining flour and stir again for 4 minutes, it’s ok if it is quite sticky. about the rising: it is important to give the dough enough time, like up to 24 hours, preferably in the fridge. i let it rise on the counter for about an hour (that is: i forgot it there), by that time the dough had already almost doubled its volume. then i put it in the fridge for 6 hours. 2 hours before baking time i let it warm up in the living room (at 21°).  the finish: pour the dough on a baking tray lined with lightly oiled parchment paper. try not to destroy the bubbles. use oiled fingertips to bring the dough in shape, you may also want to punch a few holes in it to make for the authentic look. mix 1tsp of coarse sea salt with 1tsp of rosemary and sprinkle on top of the foccacia. bake at 210° (or higher, but my oven is very hot…) for 15-20 minutes.

yes, this is really delicious. but what was the first reaction from my fellow eater? “i thought you were going to make it with olives!” and after like five slices “hm. i’m thinking the whole time how it would taste with olives…”. well, you are welcome to give it a try. here is the recipe.

pineapple peppermint dessert

i don’t remember where i first read about this idea – but it’s really a great one. those two flavours go together very well and make for a refreshing and light desert. plus it takes only minutes to prepare it: cut a pineapple in bite-sized pieces. chop the leafes of 4-5 twigs of peppermint and pestle with 1-2 tbsp sugar. this becomes peppermint pesto, and it’s used to marinate the pineapple in it. the marinated pineapple can be enjoyed as it is or served with plain yoghurt.

fried potatoes with cilantro

and yet another meze dish: cut 500g potatoes in small cubes and fry in olive oil.  meanwhile pestle 2-3 cloves of garlic with 1/2 tsp sea salt thoroughly, until it becomes a thick paste. chop half a bundle of fresh coriander. when the potatoes are done, transfer them on a plate. put the garlic-salt paste and the coriander into the pan and heat for a few minutes. put the potatoes back into the pan, stir well and season, if needed, with some more salt and black pepper. can be served lukewarm or cold.

freestyle asian

freestyle asian

a new asian food shop has recently opened in our neighbourhood and yesterday i went to check it out. i got fresh cilantro, ginger, 4 pak choi and noodles (3.50 – quite cheap i think) and got inspired by this post (in german) for the following “somehow asian” dish:

sweat finely chopped ginger, garlic and onion for a few minutes in sunflower oil, add diced sweet potatoe and a cup of vegetable stock, let it simmer for another few minutes. add small strips of a carrot and celery stalks, some cilantro, a tsp kurkuma and after yet another few minutes four more cups of vegetable stock. next comes a can (400 ml) of  coconut cream. then the white parts of the pak choi, sliced, and finally the green parts, also sliced.  season with 2 tsp sugar and salt to taste. served with asian instant noodles and fresh cilantro. some chili would have been nice, but was omitted since we had a little eater at the table. who liked it, by the way.

vegetable soup with anise, ginger and orange juice

this is an incredibly delicious veggie soup, with a recipe i found here (in german).

first roast a tbsp of anise seed and a finely chopped piece of ginger (3cm +x) in some sun flower oil. add diced vegetables and stew for a few minutes. add 1.25l vegetable stock and simmer at medium heat for about 15 minutes. add 125ml orange juice and simmer again for 5-10 minutes. season with salt and pepper.

served with orange segments, smoked tofu that has been fried with some sesame seeds, chopped parsley, olive oil and freshly ground black pepper.

it’s dead easy, and as long as you stick with the anise-ginger-orange part, it works with almost every combination of vegetables. for the soup pictured above we used a rather simple mix of 3 carrots, 3 potatoes, 100g baby peas and 1 zucchini. had an equally great result with carrots, parsnip, sweethart cabbage, peas, potatoes and leek.

more inspiration and photos here.