Category Archives: savoury

spicy carrot salad

this is the most elaborate carrot salad i ever made, and actually kind of an own invention (after browsing here and there). first roast 1.5 Tbsp sesame seed, set aside. cut 1/2 onion in tiny dices. mix juice of half a lemon with half a cup orange juice. finely grate a small piece of ginger (2cm?) into the juice. roast cinnamon, cilantro, cumin, black pepper (approximately 1/4 tsp each) and 1/2 tsp black onion seed for a few minutes. deglace with the juice. add 1 Tbsp honey. pour the mixture on the diced onion.  then add half a cup raisins and half a cup chopped cashew nuts. add 4 Tbsp sun flower oil, stir well. grate 3-4 large carrots into the dressing. season with some more black pepper and salt. add 1 Tbsp parsley and the roasted sesame seeds. let it stand for at least 30 minutes. the result of it was assessed to be the highlight of the month. ha.

and yes, i have noticed the stains but you please try out by yourself polishing a filled glass on the inside while a two year old is rampaging around the table.

pasta with zucchini, thyme and lemon juice

after the pancake disaster this morning i was not in the mood for any further experiments. so we had one of our all time classics for dinner. it’s easy and very fast: cook the spaghetti. at the same time fry some grated parmesan cheese in olive oil, deglaze either with white wine or some of the water the pasta is cooking in. add zucchini and thyme, let it simmer for a few minutes (until the spaghetti are done). add another ladle of the – generously salted! – pasta water and the juice of half a lemon. strain the spaghetti and mix with the sauce. ready to eat – with more parmesan and freshly ground black pepper. for two and a half people we had 230g spaghetti, about 50g of parmesan and 3 small zucchini.

something similar, but with tomatoes, is described in detail here.

freestyle asian

freestyle asian

a new asian food shop has recently opened in our neighbourhood and yesterday i went to check it out. i got fresh cilantro, ginger, 4 pak choi and noodles (3.50 – quite cheap i think) and got inspired by this post (in german) for the following “somehow asian” dish:

sweat finely chopped ginger, garlic and onion for a few minutes in sunflower oil, add diced sweet potatoe and a cup of vegetable stock, let it simmer for another few minutes. add small strips of a carrot and celery stalks, some cilantro, a tsp kurkuma and after yet another few minutes four more cups of vegetable stock. next comes a can (400 ml) of  coconut cream. then the white parts of the pak choi, sliced, and finally the green parts, also sliced.  season with 2 tsp sugar and salt to taste. served with asian instant noodles and fresh cilantro. some chili would have been nice, but was omitted since we had a little eater at the table. who liked it, by the way.

mushrooms with lemon juice and thyme

i didn’t wanted to cook, but was somehow talked into. so i came up with stirred mushrooms, which were seasoned with salt, thyme and lemon juice. at the end i put two slices of cheese (cut in smaller pieces) on top of it and let them melt. served on buttered bread, with parsley and black pepper. and – tada – “this was exactly what i was hoping for!!!”. you’re welcome.

vegetable soup with anise, ginger and orange juice

this is an incredibly delicious veggie soup, with a recipe i found here (in german).

first roast a tbsp of anise seed and a finely chopped piece of ginger (3cm +x) in some sun flower oil. add diced vegetables and stew for a few minutes. add 1.25l vegetable stock and simmer at medium heat for about 15 minutes. add 125ml orange juice and simmer again for 5-10 minutes. season with salt and pepper.

served with orange segments, smoked tofu that has been fried with some sesame seeds, chopped parsley, olive oil and freshly ground black pepper.

it’s dead easy, and as long as you stick with the anise-ginger-orange part, it works with almost every combination of vegetables. for the soup pictured above we used a rather simple mix of 3 carrots, 3 potatoes, 100g baby peas and 1 zucchini. had an equally great result with carrots, parsnip, sweethart cabbage, peas, potatoes and leek.

more inspiration and photos here.

stuffed zucchini with tomato sauce

stuffed zucchini

it’s done like this: fry minced meat (plus chopped onions if you like) in a bit olive oil, cook some rice. mix it together, add parsley and feta cheese. season to taste with salt and pepper. optionally you might want to add a tsp. tomato puree. that’s about the filling. wash and prepare the zucchini, removing its core with a tsp. now put the chunky crushed tomatoes in an ovenproof dish, mix it with a bit olive oil, oregano, salt, pepper.  stuff zucchini with the filling, place it on the tomato sauce. bake for about 30 minutes at 175°C, until the zucchini is done.  served with pita bread.

for four medium-sized zucchini we used 250g meat, 50g rice, 2 Tbsp chopped parsley, 200g feta cheese, and a can (450g) crushed tomatoes.